De'Nare Brown of Laced Society

De'Nare Brown of Laced Society

De’Nare Brown is based in Dallas, TX and is originally from Omaha, NE. His love for art goes all the way back to following in his father’s footsteps who had an illustration background, leading him to pick up the pencil and learning to draw.

De’Nare has had a lifelong appreciation of street and pop art which stems from his childhood, riding the city bus throughout the town with his mother. De’Nare considers himself a conceptual artist because with each project, whether its detailed art or simple colorways, there is a process and thought behind the way the art is implemented. 

Laced Society started off as an idea, nothing concrete. It was more of a hobby that just continued to grow. A pair of custom Nike slides for his daughter’s birthday, were posted on social media. The post brought attention that wasn’t expected as well as the opportunity to turn his passion into a business. Being a sneaker artist was never apart of the plan he had for his life but the business changed everything. 

Art for De’Nare has always come easy, but adding it to sneakers was a whole new world. Attempting to master how to project his ideas and concepts onto this new medium took a lot of researching, trials, error, time and money. Finding his way in the industry was one of the biggest challenges he faced. There are so many different styles to customizing sneakers and finding his niche was a task in itself. Throughout the learning process De’Nare has met some other outstanding artists and the knowledge, support, and comradery flows freely throughout them. 

As time progressed, Laced Society evolved from solely creating custom sneakers, to now including accessories, apparel and most of all the ultimate buying experience. De’Nare strives to provide customers with an experience that they will not receive anywhere else. As a child, the customer satisfaction experience when it comes to sneakers has always been important. Thinking back to shoe carousels in stores, along with calendars for release dates. The feeling of getting a box that wasn’t damaged and the paper being crisp and properly placed. 

De’Nare prides himself on his ability to supply his clients with limited edition packaging options and ensuring all clients are receiving something original that is never a duplicate of another artist’s work.  The most important piece in everything De’Nare does is ensuring that his clients are truly happy with their experience from the visuals that brought them to Laced Society, all the way to how the tape is placed on the shipping box. 

His love for sneakers and the culture that goes with it have been there for years. He has never been the type of individual to succumb to the hype of sneakers over the actual design and physical attributes of the shoe. He is a firm believer that the aesthetics of a shoe are what can complete an entire outfit; so, with him embracing, growing and perfecting his artistic talents, he is able to provide each client with something unique.





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