Breanna Berry

Breanna Berry of Denver, Colorado is known to her followers as Bre_Yeahthatsme, but the name she cherishes most is Mom. Her beautiful daughter Khmaiia isn’t just her driving force, she’s also her biggest fan and supporter. Breanna’s goal is to be a role model for her daughter, who also loves art, and to inspire her and artists all over the world. While art has been part of her entire life, the path that she’s currently on wasn’t always the clear end result.

Over the years Breanna struggled with what she wanted to do with her art. She dabbled in drawing, painting walls and even graphic design but never found full satisfaction in any of those mediums.  In the summer of 2017, she literally woke up one day and decided to paint an extra pair timberland boots she had. It was in that moment that she found her true love in customizing shoes! From there everything just started to take off. 

First it was her own shoes. Then her daughter’s shoes. From there  shoes for friends and family. From there it grew to people she didn’t know. That lead to cleats for Olympians and NFL players. To jackets and shoes for actors, rappers and NBA players. Her hard work didn’t come without recognition as she was award winner of the customizing competition show Paint Wars. From the ten thousand dollar grand prize to seeing her favorite artist Da Baby rocking the jacket she painted for him, all of it came from her just focusing in on doing what she enjoys. 

Breanna loves turning shoes into a work of art. Like her tattoos, she’s all about being able to wear your art, and putting art on shoes & jackets is the perfect way to display that. Breanna loves painting realistic things.  Her customs incorporate hand painted detailed work with vibrant airbrushed backgrounds. She loves graffiti and street art so she likes to incorporate that into her work and as she says “Make everything drip!”

As an artist and person, she’s all about artistic freedom, uniqueness and being yourself. Having that freedom allows her to enjoy what she does. Her message to artists everywhere is that you can do anything in this world with your art! Always stay true to yourself, work hard and stay dedicated. Seems to have worked pretty well for Breanna.


Ig: bre_yeahthatsme

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